In The Amazing Spider-Man and its sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro, Hollywood star Andrew Garfield (41) portrayed the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in the early 2010s. Most recently, he returned to the iconic role in 2021, and some Marvel fans speculate that Garfield could also appear in the announced Spider-Man 4, set for release in 2026. However, the actor has now vehemently denied these rumors. Despite his statement, there are valid reasons to doubt his credibility.
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ToggleAndrew Garfield Denies Appearance in Spider-Man 4
“I’m going to disappoint you,” the 41-year-old told British GQ on Thursday (January 2) when asked if he would appear in the still-untitled fourth Spider-Man film starring Tom Holland (28). However, Garfield added in the same breath, “But I know that from now on, no one will believe anything I say.”
This comment refers to the proven fact that Garfield misled the public for about a year before returning to the Marvel cinematic screen in 2021, alongside fellow former Spider-Man Tobey Maguire (49), for Holland’s multiverse blockbuster Spider-Man: No Way Home.
The appearance of three Spider-Men in No Way Home turned out to be a massive success for Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures. The film grossed nearly $2 billion at the global box office, making it the highest-grossing film of the year in financial terms.
Garfield’s Previous Comments Fuel Doubts
In October 2024, Garfield himself stated that he would be “100 percent” open to reprising his Spider-Man role. In an interview with Esquire, he said he would return “if it feels right, if it enriches the culture, if there’s a great concept or something that’s never been done before—something unique, strange, and exciting to sink your teeth into.” This earlier comment raises further doubts about his recent denial.
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