The producers of the horror film series “Scream” are facing bitter losses in the seventh installment. After actresses Melissa Barrera (33) and Jenna Ortega (21), now director Christopher Landon (48) is no longer involved in the production. On the online platform “X” (formerly Twitter), the American screenwriter and film director announced on December 23 that he left “Scream 7” a few weeks ago. He stated, “This will disappoint some and delight others. It was a dream job that turned into a nightmare. And it breaks my heart for everyone involved. Everyone. But it’s time to move on.”
I guess now is as good a time as any to announce I formally exited Scream 7 weeks ago. This will disappoint some and delight others. It was a dream job that turned into a nightmare. And my heart did break for everyone involved. Everyone. But it’s time to move on. I have nothing
— christopher landon (@creetureshow) December 23, 2023
In the post, he added that he had nothing more to say on the matter and praised the work of the screenwriters and directors of the first three “Scream” films, Wes Craven (1939-2015) and Kevin Williamson (58). Landon considered it an honor to “bask in their glory for even a brief moment.” He also hoped that their “legacy thrives and rises above the noise of a divided world.”
“Scream 7” without Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera The director’s departure comes shortly after the removal of “Scream” lead actress Melissa Barrera about a month ago. The Spyglass Media Group, the producers of the horror film series, removed the actress from her role after she expressed criticism of the Israel-Hamas conflict on social media. Actress Jenna Ortega will also no longer appear in the role of Barrera’s sister in the film series due to scheduling conflicts with the filming of the Netflix hit “Wednesday 2,” as reported by “Deadline” and other sources.
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